Pierre qui roule n’amasse pas mousse
Translated to English this means “a rolling stone gathers no moss”.
Not wishing to gather any moss, this stone has therefore decided to go rolling again. On Tuesday I will be catching the ferry from Portsmouth (UK) to Cherbourg (France) to ride the French section of Le Tour de Manche (TDM) through Normandy and Brittany. Unlike the other cycling tour happening on the other side of France at the moment, there will be no throngs of flag-waving fanatics lining my route and no millions of enthralled TV viewers sitting on the edge of their seats. However if you have nothing better to do you might care to share my adventure by following my daily blog. My bike has been tuned, camera charged, pannier bags packed and GPX files from the TDM website have been uploaded to my Garmin Edge 1000 GPS navigator, so I am all set to start rolling. Check out the route maps now at Maps – Tour de Manche, France and watch this space.
I look forward to the updates. Sounds wonderful and congrats on tickets to Lords. Aussies made a good start. Might be hard to get 20 wickets to win
Kevin, you need a beer & wine drinking companero to review the apres- ride refreshment. I’d volunteer but am unfortunately otherwise engaged – have a good time.
Next time Richard. By then I will probably have fallen off the water wagon.
Bon Courage !